
Discover a Deeper Way of Living Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center offers a retreat for almost everyone. Our schedule carries a...

Date & Time Details: Sunday, June 2, 2024 from 9:15am - 1:30pm MT in person. 9:45am-1:15pm MT on zoom.

Location: In person in Durango, Colorado and on zoom

SCHEDULE: Workshop starts at 9:15am and ends at 1:30pm. Zoom participants attend 9:45am-1:15pm MT. Please check your local time zone.

RSVP: Please register early to reserve a spot as we have limited in person capacity and we expect a full gathering. Each person attending should have their own reservation.

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Enhance Inter-being: ReMember – ReEnchant

With Sara Jolena Wolcott and Kristine Marie Hill

June 2, 2024

Please join us for this special half-day origin story workshop in Durango. Due to strong interest, we are now making this offering available in a hybrid format.

Origin stories inform how we think of ourselves and the world around us. They are critical components of how we form our cosmovision – informing our relationship with wilderness, with the mountains, with our family and our community. How we narrate our origin stories influences how we experience and interpret the present moment, and our very sense of who we are and why we are here.

Too often, the origin stories we tell perpetuate the dis-ease of separation, delusion, othering and displacement. However, we can “create” origin stories that can support our own capacity for interbeing.

We explore ways of intertwining multiple lineages (spiritual, familial, cultural, land-orientated, ecological and indigenous).

The workshop introduces concepts of re-membering, re-enchanting, circular and multi-dimensional time in the context of being a living being within the cycle of life. Engage your mind, body, heart, breath, and spirit. We intertwine embodied and eco-spiritual practices with storytelling.

Event offered by donation in support of the teachers. 

Please note that as we are preparing to open the land for retreats, we are also adapting to make this offering available in a hybrid format to our larger community.  Our technology for this offering will be simple, as the offering is taking place in Erin’s home.  We hear that you as a community are curious about and ready for this work.  We welcome your participation within this informal setting.

Please reserve your space for this free event as soon as possible to guarantee your spot. *In person apace is limited and we expect this event to fill.



Sara Jolena Wolcott
Reverend Sara Jolena Wolcott, M.Div., is a healer, witchy minister, and supports people in re-membering and re-enchanting the world. To support the growth of regenerative cultures, she is forging spiritual practices shape-shifting our way of relating to time and place. This includes reMembering and narrating renewed origin stories that enable and create legacies that can enhance interbeing. To this work she brings her experience working with cultures, myths, and initiatives in 10 countries, and her own academic and spiritual training, including MA in Science, Society and Development at the Institute of Development Studies in the UK focused on the financial…
Learn more about Sara Jolena Wolcott
Kristine Marie Hill
Kristine Marie Hill is a member of the Beaver Clan, Tuscarora Nation, Haudenosaunee confederacy. She worked in education while raising four children on the Tescarora Reservation, near Niagra Falls, for 20 years. Recently, she founded Collective Wisdoms, wherein she works as an indigenous peacemaker and restorative practitioner with national and international spiritual, religious, educational, and corporate institutions. She is an active member of the Ahimsa Collected and The Hive. She often participates in national and international gatherings of indigenous peoples, and enjoys sharing stories with children. She is involved with initiatives to support the return of indigenous peoples to their…
Learn more about Kristine Marie Hill