
Discover a Deeper Way of Living Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center offers a retreat for almost everyone. Our schedule carries a...

Date & Time Details: Check-in is from 3:00-5:00 on the first day of the retreat. The retreat will close mid-morning on the last day of the retreat. (Learn more)

PRICE: We offer a sliding scale structure. Scholarships are available, see below. Prices for this retreat range from $735-$1,925 (not including teacher dana and add-on items). (Learn more)

DANA: This is a dana-based retreat. (Learn more)

SHUTTLE SERVICE: Shuttle Service is available for this retreat. (Learn more)

NOBLE SILENCE: This retreat will be held in noble silence. (Learn more)

SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarships are available on a limited basis for Hemera, BIPOC, and Needs Based. (Learn more)

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Registration Opens February 1st 9am MST

Application for Land as Dharma Teacher (August)

With Erin Treat and Brian Lesage

August 16 - 23, 2024

Registration Opens February 1st 9am MST

Join us in an exploration of Dharma through connection with the land of Vallecitos. This retreat is designed to offer support for experienced practitioners in insight meditation (Vipassana).

When we have an established foundation in Dharma practice, we can open to discovering new ways of perceiving. As the understanding of classical Dharma deepens even further, the land itself can meet us right in each moment as teacher and guide.  An immeasurable wisdom and compassion may be discovered in our personal relationship with land.

This exploration will be supported through cultivating an embodied presence and mindful awareness that embraces our experience with acceptance and wisdom.

We will provide meditation instructions in Vipassana and Brahma Vihara practice with sitting, standing, lying down, walking, and hiking practices. Additionally, there will be individual practice discussions and a daily talk on Buddhist practice.

The retreat will be held in noble silence to cultivate a quiet receptive mind and  meditation process, with the exception of teacher meetings and group discussions.

Prerequisite:  Practitioners must have done at least 14 days of silent Vipassana meditation retreat (total, not consecutive). 

Please note: Given that there are two Land as Dharma Teacher retreats this year (July and August), you will only be accepted into one of the retreats. If there are open spaces at a later date, we will open the retreat to people interested in attending both retreats.


APPLICATION PROCESS: (Please read until the end. Application opens February 1st.)

Registration for this retreat is by application and lottery.  Together with the lottery we are curating additional variables to encourage greater equity, diversity, inclusion, and access for our many popular retreats. To create an optimal retreat container, some of these factors include affinity group membership, age, gender balance, and experience level.  

Registering for a lottery or completing an application does not ensure a space in the retreat. Applications are accepted through the end of the day on February 5th, 2024. The first round of notifications will be sent out within 2 weeks, by February 16th. Please note that you will be asked to complete your registration details and pay your retreat fees within 48 hours of your offer to attend.

Applications received after February 5th are automatically placed on the wait list and will be notified of availability on a rolling basis. Notifications often move quickly in the first few weeks so we recommend checking your email regularly. If you are in need of financial assistance to attend, you will be invited to complete a scholarship application once you have been accepted and completed your registration.

We recognize that this is an imperfect system and we have carefully considered valuable feedback from many of you in designing our registration system for this year.  If you have questions about this new registration process, please contact Jan at or by calling 505-469-9017.


COVID Safety Measures: Please review our current COVID Safety Measures, which are subject to change.


Erin Treat
Erin’s love for wild nature, her passionate commitment to serving collective liberation, and decades of working as a bodyworker are all palpable in her Dharma. Erin is Guiding Teacher at both Vallecitos and the Durango Dharma Center, and is a Core Teacher at Spirit Rock.  She served as core faculty of the sixth Community Dharma Leaders (CDL) Program, and is a graduate of Thanissara and Kitissaro’s Dhammapala Training, designed to bring forth an embodied bodhisattva ideal within the lineage of Theravada Buddhism. Erin was born and raised in the prairie of Fargo, North Dakota to a family of Irish and British heritage.…
Learn more about Erin Treat
Brian Lesage
Brian has practiced Buddhist meditation since 1988 and has taught since 2000. He has studied in the Zen, Theravada, and Tibetan schools and was ordained in the Rinzai Zen tradition in 1996.  His training in Vipassana Meditation includes doing extended meditation retreats in Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, and India as well as numerous retreats in the U.S.  He leads retreats and teaches meditation courses nationwide.  Brian also has a private practice in Somatic Experiencing, which is a naturalistic approach to healing trauma.
Learn more about Brian Lesage