
Discover a Deeper Way of Living Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center offers a retreat for almost everyone. Our schedule carries a...
  • Casita ($725) & Teacher Fee ($400) – $1,125.00
  • Yurt ($725) & Teacher Fee ($400) – $1,125.00
  • Tent Cabin ($600) & Teacher Fee ($400) – $1,000.00
  • Hermitage ($1,375) and Teacher Fee ($400) – $1,775.00

Date & Time Details: Check-in is from 3:00-5:00 on the first day of the retreat. The retreat will close mid-morning on the last day of the retreat. (Learn more)

PRICE: We offer a sliding scale structure. Scholarships are available, see below. Prices for this retreat range from $1000-$1,775, which includes a teacher fee; this price does not include add-on items. (Learn more)

SHUTTLE SERVICE: Shuttle Service is available for this retreat. (Learn more)

NOBLE SILENCE: This retreat will be held in noble silence. (Learn more)

SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarships are available on a limited basis for Hemera, BIPOC, and Needs Based. (Learn more)

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Program is fully booked

Mindfulness in Education Retreat

With Erin Treat and Bonnie Duran

June 27 - July 2, 2024

Program is fully booked

Mindfulness meditation offers powerful antidotes to school-related stressors and is a support for compassionate engagement inside and outside the classroom. Retreat practice can cultivate practices of presence in body, heart, and mind in a way of responding to oneself and also to the larger suffering of our communities and our world.

Please join us for this very special silent mindfulness meditation retreat for educators. Each day will include instructions for sitting and walking meditation as well as talks by the teachers. There will be time for discussion, questions and answers, and meetings with the teachers. In a spectacular wild environment, we will work with mindfulness and compassion practices to nurture presence both inside and outside of the classroom.

Please note that this is a silent meditation retreat. It is not a workshop. The last afternoon will be focused on skills used in the classroom to teach from a place of mindful presence.



COVID Safety Measures: Please review our current COVID Safety Measures, which are subject to change.


Erin Treat
Erin’s love for wild nature, her passionate commitment to serving collective liberation, and decades of working as a bodyworker are all palpable in her Dharma. Erin is Guiding Teacher at both Vallecitos and the Durango Dharma Center, and is a Core Teacher at Spirit Rock.  She served as core faculty of the sixth Community Dharma Leaders (CDL) Program, and is a graduate of Thanissara and Kitissaro’s Dhammapala Training, designed to bring forth an embodied bodhisattva ideal within the lineage of Theravada Buddhism. Erin was born and raised in the prairie of Fargo, North Dakota to a family of Irish and British heritage.…
Learn more about Erin Treat
Bonnie Duran
Bonnie Duran, PhD met the Dharma in 1982 when she sat a month in Nepal and learned Vipassana in Bodh Gaya India. Since then, she has taken teachings from many western teachers as well as Thai, Burmese, and Tibetan Monastic teachers. Bonnie attended the very first People of Color Mediation Retreat at Vallecitos decades ago and we are proud to have her sit on our Teachers’ Council today. Bonnie is a core-teacher of the IMS Teacher Training Program, the SRMC Dedicated Practitioners Program and is on the SRMC Guiding Teachers Council. Bonnie teaches long and short retreats at IMS, Spirit…
Learn more about Bonnie Duran