Listening at Ease: Discovering Refuge in Nature
With Yong Oh and Devin Berry
August 24 - 31, 2024
Refuge supports trust, simplicity, rest, and connection. It is the ground for our awakening. Through meditative practice and inquiry, we will listen in and attune, intimately deepening relationship with ourselves, the land at Vallecitos and each other. Within the intimacy of that relationship, we can be held and supported in coming to know more profoundly our true refuge, and how refuge supports steadiness, insight, and compassion on our awakening journey.
This is a silent retreat which supports this Nature listening, but we will also engage in sharing through guided relational practice and touching into the exploration of Pūjā – practices of devotion, embodied expression, and gratitude, like chanting. There will be time for practice together as well as opportunity to explore the wonder and beauty of this place on one’s own. This retreat is suitable for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike.
COVID Safety Measures: Please review our current COVID Safety Measures, which are subject to change.
Yong Oh serves as a teacher on the Dharma Council for the Durango Dharma Center and has sat on the board of directors since 2019. Yong began meditating through the Soto Zen tradition and eventually transitioned to study, practice, and teach in the Insight tradition. He is a visiting teacher for the Chattanooga Insight Meditation group, and teaches retreats at the Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center. Yong is a graduate of Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s two-year Community Dharma Leaders program and the Sacred Mountain Sangha two-year Dharmapala training, taught by his primary teachers…
Learn more about Yong Oh
Devin has been practicing Buddhist meditation and mindfulness since 1999. His practice is primarily informed by the metta and vipassana teachings of the Insight Meditation tradition. This also includes close to four years of combined time in silent, intensive retreat. Devin is committed to the personal and collective liberation of marginalized communities knowing that through the integration of reflection and insight, clarity and wisdom give rise to wise action. Devin regularly teaches at Spirit Rock and Insight Meditation Society (IMS) where he serves as a guiding teacher. He also teaches for Sounds True and at various sanghas and centers nationally.
Learn more about Devin Berry