Cultivating Insight: A Simple and Powerful Practice
With JD Doyle, Erin Selover and René Rivera (Assistant)
September 23 - 30, 2023
During this week-long silent mindfulness meditation retreat, we will cultivate the quality of awareness that supports us in attending to every moment with kindness and acceptance. The practice of insight invites us to look deeply, to understand the nature of suffering, and to allow our inner wisdom to blossom. As we develop this inner knowing, we bring greater freedom to ourselves and our communities.
We will offer meditation instructions (including sitting, standing, and walking), guided lovingkindness and compassion instructions, as well as Dharma talks, practice discussions, question and answer periods, and ample time to practice. We will be practicing primarily in our outdoor practice tent and also on the land in nature. This retreat is suitable for both newer and more experienced students of Buddhism.
COVID Safety Measures: Please review our current COVID Safety Measures, which are subject to change. We are creating this web page in January and retreats will not begin until late May. We very much understand how much things can change between now and the start of our retreat season. Our Medical Committee is actively and regularly updating our protocols.
JD Doyle (they/them) is part of the East Bay Meditation Center, serving as Core Teacher for five years, co-founder of the Alphabet Sangha, board member as well as in other capacities. They graduated from Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Teacher Training, the Community Dharma Leader training, and the Dedicated Practitioner Program. JD began studying and practicing Buddhism in 1995 in New Mexico, and continued at Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock as well as in Thailand and Burma. They are committed to celebrating the diversity of our human sangha, addressing the impact of racism on our communities, expanding concepts of gender, and…
Learn more about JD Doyle