
Discover a Deeper Way of Living Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center offers a retreat for almost everyone. Our schedule carries a...
  • $620.00 – Pay-it-forward (support another practitioner to participate)
  • $310.00 – Sustaining
  • $220.00 – Base
  • $75.00 to $219.00 – Pay what you can

Date & Time Details: Starting 7pm EST Friday through 8:30pm EST Wednesday

Location: On-Line

Price: We offer a sliding scale structure. Prices for this retreat range from $75-$620 (not including Dana).

Dana: This is a dana based retreat. (Learn more)

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Feeding the Heart Good Food: Cultivating Inner Compassion

With Susan Morgan, MSN, RN, CS, Bill Morgan, PsyD, Ron Siegel, PsyD and Chris Germer, PhD

July 24 - 29, 2020

Inside the chaos, build a temple of love   ~Rune Lazuli

How appropriate to be focusing on this topic in the time of Corona!

A central habit of the mind is to focus on the negative, the one thing not done well, the not good enough, the disappointing interaction, the grievance. This contributes to low grade, chronic, self-created stress that the Buddha called dukkha. He recommended that we learn to steer away from unwholesome mind states and cultivate wholesome ones. This was an essential aspect of his teaching, a core structure of the raft that leads toward less stress and more ease of wellbeing.

Our retreat will focus on creative approaches to arousing and sustaining the uplifting heart qualities of inner compassion during this challenging time.  We will explore how this heart tone can be brought to life on and off the cushion, and how it can become a refuge that protects us from the contagion of anxiety and fear.

The retreat will include a variety of guided meditations, as well as periods of standing and walking practice. There will also be didactic modules each afternoon with Ron and Chris, brief dharma talks throughout, and small group discussions, which will occur in zoom breakout rooms.

Participants will be encouraged to attend the entire retreat, and we understand the complexities of life during this challenging time. All are welcome, regardless of level of participation.

This program is designed to be relevant for all levels of meditation experience. Please join us!

CEs will NOT be offered for this course.


Retreat schedule (all times ET):

Friday: 7-9 Orientation/ Welcome

Saturday: 9-12   Dharma talk/ Instruction/Practice

2:30-5 Chris Germer Teaching and Practice

7:30-9 Guided Meditation


Sunday:   9-12   Dharma talk/ Instruction/Practice

2:30-5 Ron Siegel Teaching and Practice

7:30-9 Guided Meditation


Monday:  9-12    Dharma talk/ Instruction/Practice

2:30-5 Chris Germer Teaching and Practice

7:30-9 Guided Meditation


Tuesday:  9-12    Dharma talk/ Instruction/Practice

2:30-5 Ron Siegel Teaching and Practice

7:30-9 Guided Meditation


Wednesday:  9-12    Dharma talk/ Instruction/Practice

2:30-5 Instruction/ Guided Meditation/Standing/Walking Practice

7:30-9 Closing


Susan Morgan, MSN, RN, CS
Susan Morgan is a psychotherapist in private practice in Cambridge, MA. She consults with therapists who are interested in deepening therapeutic presence. Susan completed a 4-year silent mindfulness meditation retreat along with her partner, Bill in 2013. She has co-led retreats for psychotherapists with Bill for the past 15 years and together also lead small on-line study-practice groups or sanghas for psychotherapists. Lovingkindness and mindfulness of the body are integral to her mindfulness teaching. Susan is a board member of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, a non-profit organization in Boston, which offers seminars, courses, retreats and a certificate program…
Learn more about Susan Morgan, MSN, RN, CS
Bill Morgan, PsyD
Bill Morgan, PsyD is a clinical psychologist who has been practicing meditation for over 35 years in both Zen and Vipassana traditions. He has participated in more than 6 years of silent retreats, and once lived in a Trappist monastery for 6 months. He has a private practice in two Boston locations. Bill is a board member of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, a non-profit organization in Boston, which offers seminars, courses, retreats and a certificate program for mental health professionals. He is a contributing author to Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, a best selling text in its second edition.
Learn more about Bill Morgan, PsyD
Ron Siegel, PsyD
Dr. Ronald D. Siegel is Assistant Professor of Psychology, part time, Harvard Medical School; serves on the Board of Directors and faculty, Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy; is author of The Extraordinary Gift of Being Ordinary: Finding Happiness Right Where You Are; The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems, coauthor of Sitting Together: Essential Skills for Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy and Back Sense; coeditor of Mindfulness and Psychotherapy and Wisdom and Compassion in Psychotherapy: Deepening Mindfulness in Clinical Practice; and professor for The Science of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path to Well-Being produced by The Great Courses. He is also a regular…
Learn more about Ron Siegel, PsyD
Chris Germer, PhD
Chris Germer, PhD is a clinical psychologist and lecturer on psychiatry (part-time) at Harvard Medical School. He co-developed the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) program with Kristin Neff in 2010 and they wrote three books: “The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook”, “Mindful Self-Compassion for Burnout”, and “Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program”. MSC has been taught to over 250,000 people worldwide. Dr. Germer is also the author of “The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion” and he co-edited two influential volumes on therapy: “Mindfulness and Psychotherapy,” and “Wisdom and Compassion in Psychotherapy”. Dr. Germer lectures and leads workshops internationally and he has a small psychotherapy practice in…
Learn more about Chris Germer, PhD